
quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2010

Spoiler Mangá Naruto 518 - Português

From ohana

518 The battle between the ambush corps!!
Omoi's anxiety fades as he gets serious!!
Deidara : "Hey, this is war!! Don't be saying nice things, yeah!!
The ambush unit (Kankuro's) flees from battle.
Sai Vs. Sai's brother
Sai's brother attacks Sai. Sai stops it with a kunai. (could be the other way around)
Sai: "Brother! Get a hold of yourself."
Deidara: "Good movement. But attacking us (the zombies) is useless.
Omoi: "Cloud style: URAGIRI!!" (uragiri = Betrayal / treachery). He cuts Sasori's chakra threads.
Deidara: "Tch, you were aiming to cut behind me all along, what a dirty trick. Like I give a damn!!
Sasori: "You managed to cut my chakra strings... Impressive swordsmanship."
Part 2:
Kankuro notices that Sasori's chakra strings have been cut, and connects his own chakra strings.
Kankuro: "Ittan, do it!"
Ittan: "OK! Earth Element : CHIDOUGAKU!!". The ground shifts and rises.
Sai's brother is standing in front of Sasori
Sasori is dragged down. " I didn't expect you to attach your chakra strings to mine... You've improved your technique a little, Kankuro".
Kankuro: "I really appreciate the praise from a master puppeteer, but i'm better than you!" Kankuro pulls out Sasori's puppet scroll. He summons Sasori's body.
Sasori: My puppet? No matter, I don't really care. Now I have a body that cannot be destroyed. This is the body i've always wished for!
Kankuro: "..."
Sasori connects his chakra strings to Sai's brother.
Hoheto checks Sai's brother.
Sai's brother: "Run..." He gets on Deidara's bird.
Kankuro: "Ittan, use your earth technique to protect the wounded!!
Hoheto "Chief... that Root guy! He's got that clay inside of him...
Sai's brother "..."
Sai "!?"
Ittan "I heard that Deidara's exploding clay is weak against electricity..."
Omoi "Maybe if I..."
They are not. Sasori and Deidara appear to have been dominated during the fight, but they are still fine.
I think Deidara got cut from the mouth to the chest by a Raiton, but that's not going to finish him since he is a zombie.

Next chapter will be Sasori vs Kankurou. The chapter ends with a talk between those 2.

First half of the fight is skirmish between those guys. Shin got owned and regenerate. Deidara got owned and probably regenerate. Sasori loses all his strings. Then small Root flashback, Shin dies and Saso vs Kankurou convo.


Acho que seria realmente terrível se Itachi planejado com antecedência a possibilidade de ele ser Edo Tenseid e com o corvo / corvo que ele deu ao Naruto, com alguns de seu poder, na verdade era para libertar o seu Edo Tenseid auto, uma vez Naruto veio
em contato com ele. E por Itachi Naruto dizendo algo para o sobrevivente de "Eu espero que você nunca tem que usar esse poder" seria de facto, significa agora Itachi dizendo: "Eu realmente espero que eu mesmo não tenho que ir e consertar tudo o que Madara e Sasuke tem causados desde a minha morte ". Acho que algo como isso seria tão terrível para a manga. Quero dizer se observando Itachi sair por aí e chutar as bundas de, basicamente, todos aqueles cujo o "lado mau" pode ser interessante e divertido de assistir. Mas seria muito ruim para a trama global, acho eu.

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